Welcome to EPB Research!

Hello, this is Eric - the Founder of EPB Research.

EPB Research is an economics-based research firm providing consulting services to business owners, board rooms, executive teams and asset managers.

We also provide weekly & monthly updates on the US Business Cycle through our subscription services.

The goal of EPB Research, and this Substack, is to provide a unique education on how to understand, track, and forecast changes in the Business Cycle.

What To Expect?

This Substack will provide a steady flow of Business Cycle information, but we promise never to overload you with necessary “filler” content.

Our publications will come in three forms:

  1. Chart of the Week: a once-per-week featured chart from our subscription reports.

  2. Educational Blog Posts: a twice-per-month long-form post on the US Business Cycle.

  3. The Navigating Cycles Podcast: a twice-per-month conversation with leading macro analysts and operators of cyclical businesses.

The EPB Business Cycle Framework

We created a free five-part video training series to help new readers become more familiar with the Business Cycle Framework we use at EPB Research.

Watch Business Cycle Training Series

Looking For More?

If you are looking for more research, consider our subscription services.

All our reports are in animated video format, which requires minimal effort to consume, so you can save time and focus on what you do best.

EPB Subscription Services

Subscribe to EPB Research

Business Cycle Research


EPB Research is an economics-based research firm providing Business Cycle research to asset managers and business owners.